Understanding Young Living Loyalty Rewards

Understanding Young Living Loyalty Rewards

Hello Friend!

I’m so excited you are interested in leaning about your Young Living Loyalty Rewards. I believe you will find this company’s products can enrich your health and lifestyle.

I wanted to create a post to help explain some key points before you place your first Young Living order. These are just a few things that I wish I had understood before I placed that first order.

You deserve to get the most value AND set yourself up to be rewarded on your future purchases, and I can help with that.

What is the Young Living Loyalty program?

You can buy Young Loving products as a one time purchase or as a subscription, that is delivered every month. Loyalty Rewards is Young Living's perks program for their subscription customers. Once you have signed up for a subscription (aka Loyalty Order), you will receive a 24% discount on your monthly loyalty order while earning free gifts. Additionally, you can earn loyalty points with every order with a value of at least 50 PV (point value) to spend on future purchases. As long as you have one item in your subscription each month, you’ll keep the 24% discount on every order, and you can change your order form month to month based on what you need.

Make your Loyalty Order happen like this:

Fill that cart! When you go to checkout, you’ll see an option that says, “Would you like to make this your first loyalty order?” Select “Yes” and all the items in your cart will process for loyalty points, and any Loyalty Rewards-eligible items will appear in your My Loyalty Order tab once your order processes.

You can always manage which products you’ll get each month by adding or deleting the items in the Loyalty Order tab. You can move items into the Save for Later category before your next subscription processing date.

What is PV?

Most Young Living products are assigned a point value (PV). It is usually the same amount as the dollar cost, but not always. These products PV help you qualify for each month’s free gifts, and if you spend at least 50 PV, you can also earn loyalty points. The more you shop, the more gifts you can earn!

As you shop and add items to your cart, you will also see a total PV value. Based on the PV amount in your cart, the free gifts should automatically load. At 100 PV you get 10 extra loyalty points (awesome! those add up fast), and then there are free gifts that change each month at 190 PV, 250 PV, and 300 PV. I look forward to these gifts each month because it’s a fun way to try new products.

On top of that, the longer you place 50+ PV loyalty orders, the more points you earn. For the first 3 consecutive months you place 50+PV loyalty order you earn back 10% in loyalty points. Then from 4-24 months, you earn 20% back, and then after 25 months, you earn 25% back.

If you would like to learn even more about this program, there is a great page that breaks it down on the Young Living website. I will link that HERE. You can also email me if you have any particular questions that we haven’t covered here!!

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