Pre and Post-Partum Books I Loved

Pre and Post-Partum Books I Loved

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Looking Forward

A great read anytime

I read this book before I was even expecting, and it really helped build my excitement and general knowledge about pregnancy. The content is really balanced between technical information, personal stories, and the history of pregnancy and childbirth. The author pays special attention to the changing modern landscape of pre and postpartum care, and is committed to empowering women and helping them be informed about their rights and natural physical abilities as they enter pregnancy and motherhood. I’m glad I started here because it inspired me to turn to more holistic sources of information that I wasn’t provided as frequently since I was planning a medical birth in a hospital. I think focusing my own personal reading on that perspective was a game changer and brought down my fear of childbirth in general throughout the entire pregnancy.

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Technically Speaking

Learning the rules

This was the first book I read when I found out I was pregnant. I loved that it kinda reads as a pregnancy reference text in that the author bases pretty much every perspective on research first. Especially as someone going into the whole journey with very little knowledge of the “dos and don’ts”, I found it refreshing to learn the facts and studies that inform so many of the “rules” that doctors and random people will tell you to follow when you’re pregnant. This is definitely an analytical book, but it’s really interesting to see that some of the more conventional opinions about pregnancy and labor are actually not backed up by the science at all. It helped me to feel empowered with information, which kept all the reporting and numbers interesting. No matter how technical, the content of the book was obviously a labor of love for the author, as she complied much of the research while she was pregnant and trying to make decisions for her own health and well-being. I also appreciated how honest she was about risks and the more negative outcomes possible during pregnancy without dwelling on the more frightening elements too much.


Planning Details

A guided workbook

This book is perfect for someone looking for a hands on approach to planning, with pages and charts to fill in as you read about each trimester through the chapters. The author is a doula but the book covers home birth, birth center, and hospital births very thoroughly, as well as all the details you’d need for a healthy, comfortable pregnancy. I admit, I started it after I was already half way through my pregnancy, so much of the suggestions and planning exercises got skipped, but all the information was really helpful and I wished I had been reading it from the start. This would be a perfect gift for a person who has just announced their pregnancy!

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Spiritual Fuel

Nurture with wisdom

Honestly, this book is a must read. I didn’t get much practical knowledge out of it, mostly because I’d always planned a hospital (medicated) birth, but the stories in this book are a true testament to the amazing capabilities of women and the magic of labor. I was pretty blown away by what Ina May Gaskin built and stands for and it’s a wonderful thing that she has put these stores out into the world. I really think all women should read this, just for the experience. Because, wow. Just wow.

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Super Dad Friendly

Accessible without overwhelming

Full disclosure: I didn’t read this one. But from flipping through it did seem like it would be easy to reference on the fly and very to the point with the wording. Derek seemed to be interested enough to read it and it sparked some good conversations about how we wanted to handle some aspects of caring for the baby. I recommend this one for sure!


Learning From Instagram Accounts

Knowing there was so much information out there was overwhelming, and even reading books consistently I wondered if I was spending enough time preparing. I found it really helpful to integrate these accounts into my Instagram feed and learn in a fun and easily digestible way. With the Stories and IGTV features it was easy to catch up on my own time and casually explore what these influencers and educators were offering day to day. They all have blogs that you can dive into for more knowledge as well!

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