A Christmas Present
Here I am blogging again! I knew it would take something major to make me want to jump back into writing something personal again, and apparently, PREGNANCY is just the thing!!
I’m currently 20 weeks, so officially halfway through, and it’s getting so real and going so fast. Maybe it was the fact that the holidays were happening and I was so focused on making sure we did all the seasonal things with Clarice. Or maybe it's just that life with a toddler never slows down. But when January 1st hit it was like realizing for the first time that this year we’re having another baby.
It’s a BOY! I’m over the moon about having a boy. Which if I’m being honest, I wasn’t sure I would be. I really wanted a girl the first time around and the I kinda got into the idea of two girls, because sisters. But when I found out it was a boy, I was so excited. One of each felt meant to be. Because it was, of course, but sometimes it doesn’t always feel that way at first.
Our ornament celebrating a new addition joining out family soon!
Clarice is super excited. Even before I started showing she was very invested in the idea of having a sibling, and now that there’s a bump she can focus on, it gets A LOT of attention. Lots of hugs and kisses, and telling people her baby is in there. She will bring toys over to drop down my shirt so that he can “play with there for a while“. It’s adorable and something that really helped with the sickness I felt for the whole first trimester. Despite the inherent magic, being pregnant isn’t my favorite state of being due to tall the queasiness and unpredictability. This time around its been pretty similar to what I remember, eating extremely plain so far and not really planning anything after 3pm due to being exhausted, I’ve been so grateful for a toddler that still naps and is a great sleeper, and for the essential oils I turn to for natural remedies for aches, pains, and nausea.
Decorating for the Christmas season has been the best! I love that the house has this cozy glow, and it makes every day exciting for Clarice because we get to review why the season is special and what we have to look forward to. Santa’s visit is a major topic of discussion at all meals, and we’ve been checking out all the Christmas books from the library too. Ther e have been snow days, and many batches of sugar cookies (getting them right for the big night when Santa will taste them), and Clarcie even watched 30 minutes of Home Alone with us. She did much better with the classic animated Rudolph when we tried that one at her grandmother’s house though.
Cookies and milk left out for Santa
Our living room on Christmas Eve
Christmas Day was very relaxed and it was so much more fun to experience the whole thing with a child that understood the traditions and the festivity. I ate probably the biggest breakfast since before I was pregnant, and Clarice set up her favorite toy- an obstacle course of stepping stone and logs- all over the house. She also got a Bluey house that has now made its way to every room and turned her into even more of a fan of the adorable TV show.
Overall we had a fabulous season and Christmas Day, and are so excited for what the New Year will bring! Hope you all had a MERRY CHRISTMAS too and wishing you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!